ROVER experts Prof. Ilangko Balasingham from Oslo University Hospital, Norway and Prof. Massimilian Pierobon from University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA are guest editors for IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological, and Multi-Scale Communications Special Issue on "Molecular Communications for Diagnostics and Therapeutic Development of Infectious Diseases" to which manuscripts can be submitted by 15 July 2020. Molecular Communications modeling of infectious disease propagation for viruses such as Coronavirus is one of the proposed topics. The Special Issue focuses on developing molecular communication abstractions, models, simulation, and experiments for diagnosing and treating infectious diseases. This may include characterizing the infection process and the propagation behavior of the virus, all the way to new mechanisms for developing therapeutic treatments using communication and information theory as tools, the Call for Papers specifies.
The Special Issue will be published in the first quarter of 2021. Read more: Call for Papers